The leaders in accounting advisory serving growth companies

Why Choose Us

When you're growing fast, accurate financial reporting is both complex and critical. Our specialized, executive-led team exceeds the standards of the Big 4 and guides you to customized, practical solutions.

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Solving accounting complexity with practical solutions

Complex Transactions Analysis and Advisory

  • Consultation on growth stage needs
  • Guidance on deal structuring
  • Expert responses to SEC comment letters
  • Best practices for SEC preclearance letters
  • Coordination with external auditor

New Standard Implementations

  • Revenue Recognition (ASC 606)
  • Leases (ASC 842)
  • Credit impairment (ASC 326)
  • Conversion between US GAAP and IFRS
  • Other new standard updates/changes

Technical Accounting Memos

  • Acquisitions, variable interest entities, dispositions
  • Revenue recognition
  • Liability and equity instruments
  • Stock compensation
  • Leases
  • Software capitalization
  • Collaborations
  • Industry-specific transactions
  • Other complex accounting matters

Financial Reporting Support and Preparation

  • Drafting and uplift of financial statements
  • Preparation of SEC reports and filings
  • Management of restatements, error corrections, and estimate changes

What our clients are saying

Charles York

VP Finance and Accounting, Aeglea
“Connor Group team has been spectacular in their effort, speed and professionalism working with us on our accounting policies. Really, I’m very appreciative of their commitment to my team and Aeglea, particularly in a very short period of time to get up to speed. We look forward to continuing to work with you guys!”
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Susan Wyrick

Former Vice President and Controller, Juno Therapeutics
“Connor Group has been an exceptional addition to our accounting team, in particular its extensive group of subject matter experts in all areas of technical accounting. We appreciate being able to get answers to complex issues quickly to meet our demanding timelines. We have found everyone at Connor Group to be superb in knowledge as well as a true pleasure to work with. I wish we had started working with Connor Group sooner.”
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What best-in-class accounting advisory looks like

Partner with the industry experts

Our team includes former SEC staff and senior-level Big 4 national office professionals.

Leverage specialized growth focus

We've served over 1,600 clients, including the biggest growth companies in the world.

Tap into our Center of Excellence

Our dedicated national office keep us sharp and out in front on standards application.

Draw on our regulatory relationships

As members of the FASB/EITF and AICPA Digital Asset Working Group, we engage with the standard setters.

Streamline operations with practical solutions

We help clients implement tailored solutions that are efficient, practical, and supportable.

Feel calm in the complexity

We’re accustomed to high-pressure, high-stakes situations and know how to lower the heat.

Case Study

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Memorable food and small-town hospitality


Seeking help with 842 lease accounting, Lazy Dog targeted a boutique partner who would provide access to their top talent. References touted Connor Group as highly efficient, flexible, and focused on providing value. They indicated that Connor Group would partner with them to find solutions for their business needs and work shoulder-to-shoulder with them.


Lazy Dog started with the 842 project and soon realized that Connor Group's speed and efficiency made them a cost-effective option for many other projects. New needs were addressed so quickly that Connor Group expert resources often started within 24 hours of being requested.


Whether it was temporary general ledger accounting help or more complex needs that arose during the implementation of 842 lease accounting, Connor Group handled it all and provided support to the Lazy Dog CFO in communicating technical changes to the owners and board.


"I highly recommend Connor Group to any CFO or business leader looking for fast, reliable, and effective solutions. They gave us options to solve immediate business opportunities and helped us navigate complex accounting issues. Their expertise and willingness to go above and beyond to ensure our success made them an invaluable partner."

Robert Linder, CFO | Lazy Dog Restaurants

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Lazy Dog targeted a boutique partner who would provide access to their top talent.
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Whether temporary general ledger accounting help or more complex needs, Connor Group handled it all.
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"I highly recommend Connor Group to any CFO looking for fast, reliable, and effective solutions."

Insights from the cutting edge of modern finance

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Accounting Advisory

Convertible Bridge Notes

Technical Accounting in Simple Terms
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Accounting Advisory

ASC 842 | Adoption Considerations and Best Practices

Learnings from private and public company adoptions through 2021 | February 2022
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Accounting Advisory

ASC 842 | Disclosure Study $100M to $30B

Companies with Market Cap ranging from $100 Million to $30 Billion and above - Evaluation of YTD 2020 Filings | August 2021

Accounting Advisory Key Contacts

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Blake Collins

Partner, Accounting and Advisory Solution Leader
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Ravi Kumar

Partner, West Region Market Leader